2020-11-16 5:44 AM
I tried to flash the FP-SNS-ALLMEMS1 firmware (https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/embedded-software/mcu-mpu-embedded-software/stm32-embedded-software/stm32-ode-function-pack-sw/fp-sns-allmems1.html) to a brand new SensorTile over bluetooth. The process completed according to the BLE app on my Android device and said to restart the board for the update to complete.
Now the board doesn't light up when powered as it did before. Is there a way that I can unbrick the device or force fresh firmware onto the board over USB for example?
2020-11-16 7:40 AM
Hi @JBrad.4 ,
did you upload the file with the ST BLE app, as described in the User Manual p.47?
(Note: The binary file must only contain the application firmware; it is not possible to upgrade the boot loader as well).
You can check this thread if the issue is similar to yours, especially for the part where the recovery procedure is suggested.
2020-11-16 9:51 AM
This is useful Eleon thank you. I uploaded the firmware as described in the manual.
I downloaded the firmware from the link in the original post. I then unzipped the file which contained a folder titled STM32CubeFunctionPack_ALLMEMS1_v4.1.0.
Inside that folder structure I uploaded Projects/STM32L476RG-SensorTile/Applications/ALLMEMS1/Binary a binary called STM32L476RG-SensorTile_ALLMEMS1_v4.1.0.bin. There were two files with the same name so I just selected the first one. Is there a chance that I did something wrong here?
RE: the thread you linked, do I need any other hardware except what comes with the SensorTile development kit here: https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/steval-stlkt01v1.html .
2020-11-17 12:51 AM
Hi @JBrad.4 ,
The ALLMEMS1 project is the correct one, but ok, there are two files, a .bin file with the bootloader (ALLMEMS1_ST_BL.bin) and the other one without the bootloader (ALLMEMS1_ST.bin).
The first one, the one with the bootloader, has to be used when you upgrade the firmware via STLINK, while for FOTA firmware upgrade, i.e. via Bluetooth, you have to use the ALLMEMS1_ST.bin one.
Which one did you use?
Ps: for exploiting the full capability of the debug of the Sensortile, and in general for the STM32 MCUs programming, I'm afraid that suggested hardware is needed...
2020-11-17 2:54 AM
Okay, it's not clear to me anymore but it's likely that I uploaded the boot loader one which has made the device unusable in that respect. When I look inside the file browser for my phone the BL file is listed first, so I likely uploaded that one...
So my goal now is to get the SensorTile back to a workable state. Can you advise on how to get back to a relatively functional, stock image?
2020-11-17 8:38 AM
To elaborate on this answer I do have all of the hardware provided with the SensorTile Development Kit (https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/steval-stlkt01v1.html). Should I be able to attach the SensorTile to the Cradle Expansion Board, or Cradle and upload firmware via USB that way?
2020-11-17 9:24 AM
Hi James,
I'm afraid you need the STLINK module to program and debug the SensorTile board...
In this other thread I try to explain in some more detail how to do it...
2020-11-17 10:06 AM
Seems simple enough once I get my hands on the STLINK. Thanks for your help Eleon. No doubt once its fixed I'll be back here :)
2020-11-17 11:14 PM
2020-11-23 11:43 AM
Hi Eleon,
I now have the STLINK V3. What I can't figure out is how to connect it to my SensorTile. Is there an explanation somewhere as I'm struggling to see which pins for anything feasibly connect to each other.