2020-11-24 10:46 AM
Hi, all.
I am trying to figure out H3LIS200DL interrupt issue. Even if I have set interrupt threshold to high value, I can't see any pulse on INTx line. Also not sure what the INT1_THS register describes. Datasheet shows only 7 bit value.
What I have done is as following.
/* initialized */
if (h3lis200dl_device_id_get(h3lis200dl->ctx, &whoamI) != HAL_OK) {
sprintf(pBuf, "Failed to get chip id\r\n");
tx_com((uint8_t*)pBuf, strlen(pBuf));
sprintf(pBuf, "Chip ID: %x \r\n", whoamI);
tx_com((uint8_t*)pBuf, strlen(pBuf));
if (whoamI != H3LIS200DL_ID) {
sprintf(pBuf, "Couldn't get valid chip id\r\n");
tx_com((uint8_t*)pBuf, strlen(pBuf));
while (1) {
/* manage here device not found */
/* Configure filtering chain */
/* Accelerometer - High Pass / Slope path */
h3lis200dl_hp_path_set(h3lis200dl->ctx, H3LIS200DL_HP_DISABLE);
h3lis200dl_pin_polarity_set(h3lis200dl->ctx, H3LIS200DL_ACTIVE_HIGH);
/* Set minimum event duration for free fall */
h3lis200dl_int1_dur_set(h3lis200dl->ctx, 3);
/* Apply free-fall axis threshold
* Set threshold to (350mg -> 22)
h3lis200dl_int1_threshold_set(h3lis200dl->ctx, 127);
/* Enable interrupt generation on free fall INT1 pin */
h3lis200dl_int1_on_threshold_conf_get(h3lis200dl->ctx, &int_route);
int_route.int1_xlie = PROPERTY_ENABLE;
int_route.int1_ylie = PROPERTY_ENABLE;
int_route.int1_zlie = PROPERTY_ENABLE;
h3lis200dl_int1_on_threshold_conf_set(h3lis200dl->ctx, int_route);
// h3lis200dl_int1_notification_set(h3lis200dl->ctx, H3LIS200DL_INT1_LATCHED);
/* Set Output Data Rate */
h3lis200dl_data_rate_set(h3lis200dl->ctx, H3LIS200DL_ODR_50Hz);
/* reading operation to clear interrupt bit in INT1_SRC */
If AOI of INT1_CFG is OR, INT1 line is always active. Can you explain the INT1_THS meaning in detail?
Thanks in advance.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-11-25 5:55 AM
Hi honestech @honestech ,
>> Can you explain the INT1_THS meaning in detail?
The INT1_THS (32h) register content is the threshold level considering the selected FS (100g or 200g, since the H3LIS200DL is a high-g accelerometer), considering that the the LSB of this register in g/LSB is the FS/2^7, since there are 7 total bits. In the 100g case, you have 0.78g.
If you set a high threshold (for example 127 dec, i.e. the full scale), the probability to detect an interrupt are probably lower than if you have set a low threshold, since a small signal is more easy to generate to test if the interrupt is working.
If you want to detect the free fall -as it looks from the code you shared-, you just have to set the threshold = 1 (meaning that you'll detect a free fall if the device acceleration goes below 0.78g, which is < 1g. This conversion for this device is wrong "Set threshold to (350mg -> 22)"). But this device is not designed for the free-fall application, being the free fall below 1g acceleration...
>> If AOI of INT1_CFG is OR, INT1 line is always active.
The OR configuration enables the detection of multiple, concurrent interrupts: if the INT1 is high, there might be another interrupt causing this rise, for example the data ready interrupt in the CTRL_REG3 register.
2020-11-25 5:55 AM
Hi honestech @honestech ,
>> Can you explain the INT1_THS meaning in detail?
The INT1_THS (32h) register content is the threshold level considering the selected FS (100g or 200g, since the H3LIS200DL is a high-g accelerometer), considering that the the LSB of this register in g/LSB is the FS/2^7, since there are 7 total bits. In the 100g case, you have 0.78g.
If you set a high threshold (for example 127 dec, i.e. the full scale), the probability to detect an interrupt are probably lower than if you have set a low threshold, since a small signal is more easy to generate to test if the interrupt is working.
If you want to detect the free fall -as it looks from the code you shared-, you just have to set the threshold = 1 (meaning that you'll detect a free fall if the device acceleration goes below 0.78g, which is < 1g. This conversion for this device is wrong "Set threshold to (350mg -> 22)"). But this device is not designed for the free-fall application, being the free fall below 1g acceleration...
>> If AOI of INT1_CFG is OR, INT1 line is always active.
The OR configuration enables the detection of multiple, concurrent interrupts: if the INT1 is high, there might be another interrupt causing this rise, for example the data ready interrupt in the CTRL_REG3 register.