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how to enable lsm6dsl i2c master,

Associate II

When I enable lsm6dsl I2C as master , both lines are going to gnd.

 lsm6dsl_sh_master_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE);

any tip on using lsm6dsl sensor hub, thanks


Hi Sergio, yes, I believe this is basically the source of the issue

>> At 100 Khz clock retrieving the data from the h3lis takes 1 ms, which is the time of the ODR so of course we can't use ODR at 1 Khz with a 100 Khz clock.

I'll check internally with our digital designers, for this product. On newer devices, such as LSM6DSO, the clock can run up to 400kHz.

By the way, can your application run also at ODR 400Hz on slave acquisition?
