2017-01-26 3:19 PM
We were looking at using the LSM6DS3 in a new design, but I noticed the LSM6DSL uses half the power. The two parts look to be pin compatible and probably software compatible (at least for most features). Is that correct?
More specifically: is it valid to use the AN4650 Application note to work with the LSM6DSL (at least until there is a similar application note for that part available)? Is it likely that code written for LSM6DS3 would work if the part were swapped with the LSM6DSL?
Any ETA on a usage application note for the LSM6DSL?
#lsm6ds3 #lsm6dsl2017-01-27 1:10 AM
Hello Jason,
I can definitely recommend you to use
Even if LSM6DS3 is very similar toLSM6DSL, I suggest you to refer to LSM6DSM application note (
) since it is almost the same, until the LSM6DSL AN is available. Also you can compare the LSM6DS3-LSM6DSL coding differences in the X-CUBE-MEMS1 ( ) or X-CUBE-MEMS-XT1 ( ) SW packages which you can download from ST web for free. These packages support a few Nucleo boards and MEMS Shield boards (IKS01A1 and IKS01A2).Thank you and best regards,