2021-05-10 07:10 AM
I am using lsm6dsl , I need to read the reg who_am_i , I issue the read register every 1 sec , CS is OK , CLK is OK. I get the correct answer only on power up .
Attached 3 pics ,
2021-05-11 01:22 AM
Hi Ignore this question solved
2021-05-11 01:29 AM
Hi @Community member ,
the read command seems fine, so let me ask you some questions to better understand the situation:
are these three plots consecutive reads?
did you try to read/write other registers consecutively?
what happens between those reads in your code or on your hw?
did you change some registers value to 00100100 in your code?
2021-05-11 01:53 AM
Hi @Community member ,
can you tell me how you managed to solve it?
it can be helpful in the future for other users with a similar problem =)