2019-06-06 1:29 PM
I'm facing with a issue on unicleo gui and sensorTile sensor (with ALLMEMS1 and ALLMEMS2 librairies).
I dont know why, but since few day i can pair and connect my sensor tile with bluetooth on my laptop (W10) but unicleo doesn't show the normal interface with sensor picture and librairies selection.
i try to update my bluetooth driver, update gui to 1.8, uninstal/install all driver and soft but same pb!
Is anybody encountered the same pb, and have a workaround?
For finish, sensorTile work fine with Android STBLE app!
2020-05-27 6:28 AM
TILEBOX is there, in the Win10 BLE devices list, but not in the list of Unicleo-GUI
2020-05-27 7:19 AM
@Miroslav BATEK can you please figure out what's the problem?
2020-05-27 9:27 AM
@Miroslav BATEK Is there anything I'm doing wrong?
thank you,
2020-05-28 1:15 AM
I can confirm that firmware 3.3.5 works fine with Unicleo-GUI v1.12.0, so it is strange that TILEBOX is not listed. Did you try to expand combo box list to see all items?
2020-05-28 1:27 AM
The device listed there is the only BLE device Unicle-GUI finds.
please help! thanks
2020-05-28 1:39 AM
Hi Marian,
The BLE device from the picture (my headsets) is unfortunately the only one recognized by you tool.
Please help!
2020-05-28 1:49 AM
Hi Daniel,
Try do download this utility https://live.sysinternals.com/Dbgview.exe this application can catch debug messages from applications. Run this application and then run Unicleo-GUI and then sent the log to me.
2020-09-18 2:19 AM
Hi DMari.1,
did you solve this problem? I have the same problem!
Thanks a lot,
2020-09-18 2:37 AM
Hi louda.marian,
I have the same problem of DMari.1 (Unicleo-GUI not recognize the evaluation board STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1); in the following, I attach the screenshot of Dbgview output.
Please help me!
Thanks a lot,
2020-09-21 7:06 AM
Hi Giovanni,
There are two necessary conditions for the device to be displayed in Unicleo. First one, the device must be paired in windows. Second one, the device must contain Generic Access service( if you use any from FWs from ST it should be valid). In your case there are no any error messages in debug output and if you do not see any device it means that no device was found. If you have the device already paired, try to unpair and pair again the device (pin 123456). BLE device list is refreshed only during start of application, so you have to restart the application to see changes. I am not able to repeat the situation that the device is visible in a list of paired devices in windows and is not visible in Unicleo.
Best Regards,