2021-12-16 1:39 AM
2021-12-20 5:41 AM
Thank you for your references, i'll have a look on them. Self test procedure seemed quite good as a start point. I just need to convert register writes to I2C or SPI transactions. I also found pretty nicely written tutorial for 9-Dof IMU calibration: https://makersportal.com/blog/calibration-of-an-inertial-measurement-unit-imu-with-raspberry-pi-part-ii#background
2021-12-17 1:42 AM
Have you ever looked in the Github repository, where you can find Linux IIO drivers for MEMS sensors and other information?
2021-12-17 2:07 AM
Ihave visited there and I have not found any application note there. In fact, IIO driver is for older kernel that I need to use (5.4.0). It does not matter as there seems to be IIO driver support for LSM9DS1-imu device int Linux 5.4.0. Everything seems there pretty clear apart from device tree set-up.
2021-12-17 2:07 AM
So, I have not found any application notes for calibration.
2021-12-20 3:22 AM
Hi @MKaas.1 ,
on top of Peter suggestions, you can check the lsm9ds1_self_test.c file on the Github repository of the C drivers, where the self test procedure is described (and implemented in C code).
Unfortunately, no app note for the LSM9DS1 is available, only the datasheet.
For the device calibration, I suggest you to take inspirations from the X-CUBE-MEMS1 libraries, especially the MotionGC gyroscope calibration and the MotionAC accelerometer calibration ones. They are designed to run on STM32, so not sure they can fit your needs, but it can be a starting point .
2021-12-20 5:41 AM
Thank you for your references, i'll have a look on them. Self test procedure seemed quite good as a start point. I just need to convert register writes to I2C or SPI transactions. I also found pretty nicely written tutorial for 9-Dof IMU calibration: https://makersportal.com/blog/calibration-of-an-inertial-measurement-unit-imu-with-raspberry-pi-part-ii#background
2021-12-20 5:44 AM
Thank you Matti for sharing this tutorial! Not an ST sensor but very well done :)
2021-12-20 11:05 PM
One more calibration story: https://ozzmaker.com/compass3/.
Now this is ST sensor. In fact, pretty close to LSM9DS1. Unfortunately only magnetometer is calibrated this time.