2023-03-07 7:54 AM
We work on BLUENRG2 SDK 3.2.1 as a peripheral device, and we face a lot of 0x22 disconnection reasons; we don't know why it happens.
We find that sometimes on sniffer session at the beginning of the connection, the chip doesn't reply to the LL_version_ind, and after the 40s, the disconnection happens. We checked and didn't do any flash operations during that time.
And sometimes during a running connection.
Currently, we are handling this by reconnecting from the central side, but in some cases, we face the same disconnection over and over, and the only way to recover from this state is to do a software reset.
My questions are.
1- Why sometimes the disconnection occurs repeatedly?
2- How can we avoid this disconnection reason (The RSSI is good)?
3- What's the proper solution if this disconnection reason appears? Should I ignore it? Or should we do specific handling?
4- Is there another way to handle it without performing a software reset?
2023-04-05 10:28 PM
I would like to join to the topic, I have the same issue and I hope someone from ST will answer possible solution.
2023-04-06 1:51 AM
Are you using our evaluation kit or your own PCB?
2024-04-15 8:02 AM
i have the same problem when i sent the update OTA.
Do you found a solution for this disconnection ?
Thank you,