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We have a project to establish the communication of MCUs with SPIRIT1 module. First, we use STM32 Nucleo SPIRIT1 X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4 and Nucleo development board NUCLEO-L152RE to test point-to-point demo function based on CubeExpansion_SUBG1_V3.0.0.

shenghua yang
Associate III


shenghua yang
Associate III

It can work on the P2P demo as the attached file. Now we design a similar circuit(STM32L152+SPIRIT1-868 ) baseon the EV Board and migrate the firmware of CubeExpansion_SUBG1_V3.0.0. Finally, we have some trouble in the RF transfer. The experiment result is as the follows. We can successfully send RF command from our design board to the EVB, but the EVB can only successfully send twice to our design Board. After initial the RF, we got the different waveform on SPI-GPIO3 between these two design. What is wrong? 

shenghua yang
Associate III


shenghua yang
Associate III
