2023-01-27 10:08 AM
Hello everyone,
Please I'm designing a new product and I choosed to use the driver ILI9341 for a 2.8" screen.
Now I would like to know if there are some minimal performance of the MCU because I wanted to use the STM32F030C6T6TR. Will it work correctly ?
2023-01-27 10:23 AM
You're planning to connect via SPI?
Most any STM32 should be able to support that.
2023-01-27 11:26 AM
No problem with performance, but for graphics, color LCD bigger RAM is important. I would rather use the MCU with at least 32 KiB of RAM - G071, L412.
2023-01-28 2:04 AM
Ok, I want to connect via SPI in fact.
2023-01-28 2:06 AM
OK thank you for your response. What happen if I use a MCU of 8KB of RAM ? Just to know.
Because I want to use the less expensive STM MCU.
2023-01-28 4:17 AM
Everything depends on your drawing routines and performance requirements. If you want to have fast graphics, then you prepare some rectangular images in RAM and transfer them to the display using DMA. It's not possible if the RAM is too small - then you may draw everything in the display's memory directly, which is usually slightly slower.
2023-01-28 5:10 AM
look at already made libs :
see, what is made and what you wanna use .
2023-02-01 4:16 AM
Thanks, great answer.
Please how to calculate/estimate the required RAM regarding the size of the screen.
Thanks in advance.