2018-06-11 01:43 AM
Hello everyone,
for my project I want to use the SPSGRF-868 Module. I want to know if is it possible to use the module as point to multipoint?
My goals is to have a Master that transmit data to two Slaves, and that only one at a time answers if it is interrogated.
Thank you
#spsgrf-8682018-06-14 01:05 AM
Hi Paolo,
Yes. It is possible.
Please just configure them with same RF parameters.
Basically it will be broadcasting: one device send a packet and others shall be able to receive the packet.
Best Regards,
2018-06-14 07:35 AM
Hi Winfred,
thank you for reply.
But how do I configure the RF parameters in the module?
I looked at the datasheet but did not find anything about it.
Some suggestion, please...
Best Regards,
2018-06-14 08:27 PM
H Paolo,
The registers shall be able to be configure thru SPI interface.
Please try to start with
(Spirit1 868 MHz FULL KIT) together with SW DK: .Best Regards,