Hello everyone.I configured stm32H733VGT6 to support the usb2514 hub device. To do this I used Azure RTOS and the USBX library with STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.17.0. Everything works fine, the USB2514 device is always recognized at power-on with the corr...
Hi everyone,for my project I develop a board with MCU STM32H733VGT6. This project must to be have 4 USB peripheral ports.The MCU is configures as USB HOST, so i connected the USB pins (pin PA11 and PA12) as upstream.This nets goes to a usb HUB USB251...
Hello everyone, It is not clear on M24C16 datasheet, the meaning of A10, A9, A8 (see figure) about chip enable address. My question is, which is the I2C address for this device?Is it possible to use two of this devices on the same I2C bus?T...
Hi everyone, I developed a NFC antenna with ST25R95-VMD5T device. This antenna is connected to my main board with multipole cables and comunicate via SPI with it.I tested it in laboratory and when I tried conducted emmission, appears this:(neglect th...
Posted on June 11, 2018 at 10:43Hello everyone,for my project I want to use the SPSGRF-868 Module. I want to know if is it possible to use the module as point to multipoint?My goals is to have a Master that transmit data to two Slaves, and that only...
Hi PCevo.1I have the same problem. I configured stm32h733VGT6 to support the usb2514 hub device. To do this I used Azure RTOS and the USBX library with STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.17.0. Everything works fine, the USB2514 device is always recognized at po...
Hi guy, unfortunately I don't have the firmware. The board is old and the only things that I can do is replace obsolete components with similar ones.Thank you for your interest.Paolo
Ok Pierre, in practice I must to replace this device X24C16S8I because it is obsolete. In figure you can see how is connected on the board:Is there a eeprom that can replace this, with the same features?I had identified the M24C16-RMN6P but it d...
Hi Pierre, thank you for your fast reply. I understand now, so if I want to sostituite an old I2C eeprom, that has I2C address set to 0,0,0 (pins A0, A1, A2), this one (M24C16-RMN6P) is not the right choose.Thanks, Paolo.
Hello Travis, thank you for your quick reply. I forgot to tell that the project is a medical application and I must to certificate it with EN55011 standard. Also I would like to know if the PCB layout, so as done, can be fine.Many thanks.