2016-12-21 11:13 AM
Hello! I am trying to use SPBT2632C2A module. But it does not issue the stated parameters for data transfer rate and for reasons unknown to us periodically stops sending data for periods of the order of several hundred milliseconds. Where to look about this problem? or may be someone faced with this problem?
2016-12-26 1:15 PM
the spbt2632c2a module adds
a delay in case the last byte of the packet sent from the host to the module is the first byte of the escape sequence.
In that case, it waits to check if it is receiving the escape sequence to switch to command mode.
Is this your case?
Or it can happen that internal fifo get full, and the module use the uart flow control pin, to prevent the host from sending more data. Are you using flow control?
In any case for high performance, better to set cpumhz and baudrates to the maximum acceptable values. I assume the sniff mode is not used.
2016-12-28 8:05 AM
A merry Christmas and happy new year!
The system developed is a device for collecting electrophysiological information and consists of an TI analog front end, microcontroller STM 32l052r8t and BT module spbt26 The sampling rate of the AFE 500 SS, packet length 27 bytes. The microcontroller generates from the AFE paket his own of 30 bytes and sends it through the UART to BT module. Thus we have continuously transmitted packets with a length of 30 bytes 500 times per second, i.e. 120 kBaud. After some unpredictable time RTS of the BT controller becomes 1 for a long time - several seconds. Transmiision is stopped for a fiew seconds, pakets are disappeared. Circular buffer on the host side not filled - there are some broken packages. This is a brief description of the problem.
Initialization parameters BT module was the following:
HciBaudrate up to 2000000 from the default;
CpuMHz up to 64 from the default;
UseSmallPackets = false;
UART configuration:we tryed bodrate up to 460800; Hardware flow control is enabled. Setup for UART CPU and BT module are the same - 8 n 1.
In accordance with Your post we tried to add the '^' symbol to any our block for testing. Nothing was changed.
The behavior of the system is not depends on how we had increased the settings of the BT module and both CPU speed relative to the default.
>Вторник, 27 декабр�? 2016, 0:15 +03:00 от Andrea Cucchi <st-microelectronics@jiveon.com>:
>STMicroelectronics Community
>Re: SPBT2632C2A module.
>reply from Andrea Cucchi in Interface and Connectivity ICs - View the full discussion
________________ Attachments : RTS_Reboot_time.png : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hz1F&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bFH%2FG74gkroiTTQIeVusINwzHIjisTcEU4L1Lmn0BQuDWmM&asPdf=falseSTM2632 problem.txt.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hz1A&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bFJ%2FwCjdp7lSgMyfUuzriuuUy_LJSa4v1iq4TRdrhKitG6M&asPdf=false2016-12-29 1:14 AM
merry Christmas to you as well!
More than sending 500 small packets per seconds to the module via uart, I would suggest to send less packets but bigger in size.
I would try with 5 afe samples, so if i weel understood, it should be a 150 bytes uart packets length.
The module should be able to handle it more efficiently.
I assume that for these tests the module is not closed in a box and the antenna performance are not degraded. Clearance around the module should be respected, and battery should not shield the module.
Please let me know if you can manage multi afe samples in your gost and in case the results of the test.
Note that on the bt receiver side there should not be any significant impact in terms of usage, just need to handle sanmples accordingly ( assemble and disassemble).
2016-12-30 10:37 AM
Happy New Year!
Communication AFA - MK - BT is organized as follows: sample from the ADS are placed by MC in a FIFO queue length of 224 package (448 msec on 500 ss) and when BT module is ready to send (RTS=0) sent them through the UART to BT module. And so as long as RTS becomes 1 (w/o any interupts). Then transfer the UART is suspended, and the buffer is filled. As soon as RTS = 0, the transfer resumes, the buffer is automatically cleared.
>�?§�?µÑ‚�?²�?µÑ€�?³, 29 �?´�?µ�?º�?°�?±Ñ€Ñ� 2016, 12:14 +03:00 �?¾Ñ‚ Andrea Cucchi <st-microelectronics@jiveon.com>:
>STMicroelectronics Community
>Re: SPBT2632C2A module.
>reply from Andrea Cucchi in Interface and Connectivity ICs - View the full discussion
2016-12-30 12:46 PM
Hi Nikita,
thanks for the details, but unfortunately that does not clear all my doubs.
I mean, from what I understood, in your system it can happen that the MC sends 500 (small) packets per seconds to the module, right? I mean, 1 uart packet to the module per each AFE sample.
If this is the case, this can be the root cause of the behaviour you see and I suggest you to group more afe samples in one uart packet.
Happy new year!
2016-12-30 2:26 PM
Thank you for the congratulations, Happy New Year , health, success and happiness to You and Your family.
Did I understand correctly that it is necessary to organize the data transfer from the FIFO buffer to BT module, that would be 5 samples AFE, then a pause (how long? The same as 5 packets time? What mast be a baud rate between MC and BT module? ) and then next pack, pause and so on?
>�?ŸÑ�Ñ‚�?½�?¸Ñ†�?°, 30 �?´�?µ�?º�?°�?±Ñ€Ñ� 2016, 23:47 +03:00 �?¾Ñ‚ Andrea Cucchi <st-microelectronics@jiveon.com>:
>STMicroelectronics Community
>Re: SPBT2632C2A module.
>reply from Andrea Cucchi in Interface and Connectivity ICs - View the full discussion
2017-01-26 9:17 AM
Hi Nikita,
sorry for my late reply. Have you been able to solve the issue in the meantime?
2017-01-26 9:34 AM
Hi Andrea!
Unfortunately no. We risen parameters HciBaudrate up to 2�?œ�?‘�?´; MC - BTmodule - 921600 B , transmitting is organised as bursts of 10 slices and then 4 msec pause, UartTimeout 275 ( 298mcsec on 921600 B ) . It seems that in some moment the connection became one way - from the device to host it stopped and alive from host to device. On the host site bufer is empty, nothing coming.
Best, Nikita
>�?§�?µÑ‚�?²�?µÑ€�?³, 26 Ñ��?½�?²�?°Ñ€Ñ� 2017, 19:18 +03:00 �?¾Ñ‚ Andrea Cucchi <st-microelectronics@jiveon.com>:
>STMicroelectronics Community
>Re: SPBT2632C2A module.
>reply from Andrea Cucchi in Interface and Connectivity ICs - View the full discussion
2017-02-07 12:05 AM
Hi Nikita,
can you please try with the following settings?
Master (tx)
Slave (rx)
Var26 HciBaudrate = 2000000
= 2000000Var25 CpuMHz = 64 MHz
Var25 CpuMHz
= 64 MHzVar 53 Credit max = 5
Var 53 Credit max = 10 (only on RX side)
Var07 UartBaudrate = 921600
Var07 UartBaudrate = 921600
Var05 Streaming serial = false (connect RTS/CTS)
Streaming serial = false (connect RTS/CTS)Var66 LoadPTC = false
Var66 LoadPTC = false