2019-11-22 4:06 AM
I need to discover info on 6 characteristics from a slave device
My method work fine for the first one but subsequent ones fail for about 2 seconds then starts working again.
So I do the following:
1> I issue aci_gatt_disc_char_by_uuid() for first characteristic (passed with BLE=SUCCESS)
2> WAIT for callback aci_gatt_disc_read_char_by_uuid_resp_event
3> issue aci_gatt_disc_char_by_uuid() for second characteristic (fails with error code 0x46)
4> keep trying 3> until BLE= success, after 2 seconds of trying, it passes
5> keep going and failing/stalling like above....
error 0x46 = BLE_STATUS_NOT_ALLOWED - but why?
what is stopping this process from going smoothly?
2019-11-22 5:58 AM
what i'm trying to do is get the characteristic handles on the slave device via the master.
I have already got the service UUID and ALL the characteric UUID, now I need their handles.... (and no, I don't want to use hard coded ones