2022-08-09 12:41 AM
Hello ,
I amusing the Function pack for sensors(IKS01A3) and BLE (BlueNRG2A1) on STM32L476RG but I am constantly getting the below error :
Error: hci_le_set_scan_response_data [ff]
Full log :
UART Initialized
STMicroelectronics FP-SNS-MOTENV1:
Version 4.2.0
STM32L476RG-Nucleo board
Code compiled for X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 board
OK Accelero Sensor
OK Gyroscope Sensor
OK Magneto Sensor
OK Temperature and Humidity (Sensor1)
OK Temperature and Pressure (Sensor2)
Enabled Accelero Sensor
Enabled Gyroscope Sensor
Enabled Magneto Sensor
Enabled Temperature (Sensor1)
Enabled Humidity (Sensor1)
Enabled Temperature (Sensor2)
Enabled Pressure (Sensor2)
Meta Data Manager read from Flash
Meta Data Manager version=1.5.1
Generic Meta Data found:
MAG_CALIBRATION Size=24 [bytes]
NODE_NAME Size=8 [bytes]
(HAL 1.13.0_0)
Compiled Aug 1 2022 09:25:38 (IAR)
Send Every 30mS 3 Short precision Quaternions
Send Every 500mS Temperature/Humidity/Pressure
Send Every 50mS Acc/Gyro/Magneto
Debug Connection Enabled
Debug Notify Trasmission Enabled
Reading Random BD_ADDR failed
Testing BootLoaderCompliance:
Version 2.0.0
BL Version Ok
MagicNum OK
MaxSize =7c000
OTAStartAdd OK
BootLoader Compliant with FOTA procedure
Initialized ST MotionFX v2.6.1
Magneto Calibration Not present
Initialized ST MotionAR v3.2.1
Initialized ST MotionCP v2.2.1
Initialized ST MotionGR v2.2.1
Initialized ST MotionPM v2.4.1
Initialized ST MotionID v2.4.1
Error: hci_le_set_scan_response_data [ff]
I have recently updated the DTM on the BlueNRG1 using St Link and BlueNRG ST LINK Utility .
I am following this : https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/an5651-update-procedure-and-configuration-in-dtm-firmware-for-xnucleobnrg2a1-stmicroelectronics.pdf
Section 2.1 and I have flashd this : en.BlueNRGM2SA_M2SP_DTM_Stack_v2_1c\BlueNRGM2SA_M2SP_DTM_Stack_v2.1c\BLUENRGM2SP_32MHz_RO_SMPS_off\SPI\BLUENRG-M2SP_DTM_SPI.hex