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aci_gatt_disc_char_by_uuid() takes in the region of 2-3 seconds to fire the aci_gatt_proc_complete_event()why does it take so long? Anyway to speed this up?I have 6 characteristics so that 12 seconds +
I'm trying to :-A> use one characteristic that Server can use to write data to Client with indicationB> use same characteristic so that Client can send data to Server with indicationthe characteristic is set up as follows aci_gatt_add_char(....CHAR_P...
Is there any point in asking questions here?If I look down the list of discussion titles, hardly any are answered.
I need to discover info on 6 characteristics from a slave deviceMy method work fine for the first one but subsequent ones fail for about 2 seconds then starts working again.So I do the following:1> I issue aci_gatt_disc_char_by_uuid() for first chara...
Posted on September 18, 2017 at 16:07I see that this has been asked a few times with no real resolution or workaround, so I'll ask again please?I have USART3 configured at 9600 Baud. I test this with a terminal program also set at 9600 and it works ...
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