2018-04-30 04:23 AM
I am attempting to implement a Bluetooth Mesh Network using a ST32F401RE and the NUCLEO-IDB05A1 Bluetooth header. I am wondering if this is possible? As the only example I could find (
) uses a NUCLEO-L152RE with the same Bluetooth header (NUCLEO-IDB05A1) as I am using.Any advice would be very much appreciated.
#nucleo-f401 #f401re #ble-mesh2018-04-30 06:45 AM
Yes, it is possible to support BLE Mesh using the X-
for STM32F401REIt is expected that the next release will have the ready example for it
2018-05-01 04:33 AM
Thank you for your quick response.
I don't suppose you would be able to explain how I might go about doing this now?
2018-05-03 06:29 AM
Dear J Hubbard,
Can you wait for the official release for few weeks ?
Or, can you please approach your ST Contact and then we can discuss how can we provide a beta release for your attention. Thanks
2018-05-07 04:39 AM
Could you please explain how I would go about signing up for the beta?
Kind regards,
J Hubbard
2018-05-08 05:03 AM
Discussions ongoing between Prof
Nicholas and our team.
I think, they will agree on the next actions within this week
2018-09-13 09:47 PM
The release is available online as X-CUBE-BLEMESH1