2020-09-16 05:01 PM
Please let me know below the below status and can't enter deep sleep by Bluenrg-2 FreeRTOS.
1.vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )
2. BlueNRG_Sleep(SleepModes sleepMode, uint8_t gpioWakeBitMask, uint8_t gpioWakeLevelMask)
3.ble_sleepMode = (SleepModes)BlueNRG_Stack_Perform_Deep_Sleep_Check();
The "ble_sleepMode" value is always "SLEEPMODE_RUNNING". because not enter Deep Sleep function
if (sleepMode_allowed == SLEEPMODE_RUNNING) {
return SUCCESS;
Thanks, CK
2020-11-16 06:18 PM
have you solved this problem?
2021-05-05 05:00 AM
For those facing this problem, you need to call BTLE_StackTick() before calling the BlueNRG_Sleep()