Please let me know below the below status and can't enter deep sleep by Bluenrg-2 FreeRTOS. 1.vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )2. BlueNRG_Sleep(SleepModes sleepMode, uint8_t gpioWakeBitMask, uint8_t gpioWakeLevelMask)3.ble_s...
Hi, All.....I am trying to communicate with Android GATT application with Bluenrg-2 GATT."CHAR_PROP_NOTIFY" cannot receive data from Android App.Example ) BLE_Chat, BLE_Chat_Master_Slave by BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.2.1 ret = aci_gatt_add_char(chatServHand...
Hello,I have testing SigFox Test command for SIGFOX_API_start_continuous_transmission / SIGFOX_API_send_test_frame.but, Interrupt is not received after Send CMD_TX(0x60).PLS let me know the procedure for calling this function.for example 1.ST_RF...
I have reference H/W design by X-NUCLEO-S2915A1.It has still have "IRQ_LOW_BATT_LVL" and not send TX data.-Pin1, Pin7, Pin10, Pin15 is 3.3V Level.Could please let ms know if you have any recommend my check point...
Please let me know the SpiRaw function data format in S2LP-SFX-DK. in_buffer [0] - 0x00 is SPI Write, 0x01 is SPI READ, 0x80 is Command in_buffer[1] - SPI Reigster Address or Command in_buffer[2]~ - Write Data
HI ST Micro TeamI have more trying coding for "S2LPSpiRaw" function. but, It is same result for "IRQ_LOW_BATT_LVL".Also, Our Reference Design H/W via "X-NUCLEO-S2915A1" and reference source is "BLE-Sub1GHz DK_2.0.0"The difference between this is the...
I'm just integration via difference MCU. but, still have problem of tht "5.6.2 Transmitter data modes - Direct through FIFO mode". Register setting "#define PCKTCTRL1_ADDR ((uint8_t)0x30)" Value is 0x04.Your reference design source using write below ...