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Hi All,I am trying to setup a build pipeline for the STM32 platform to be able to compile projects in an automated fashion. So far, I have an .ioc file which I use the to generate the project using the STM32CubeMX commands which are invoked via the s...
I'm trying to configure the I2C to run at 1Mhz(Fm+) on STM32L496. As per the RM0351, it does support fast mode plus mode. I tried generating the code from STM32Cube IDE and check the SCL pin of logic analyzer. However, I see 400 khz I2C clock frequen...
I flashed the sample pre-compiled firmware on the STEVAL-BCN002V1 BlueNRG2 tile. The flash was completed successfully. However, I see only green led on the board and none of the mobile applications can scan the beacon. If I flash the "Sensor Demo", i...
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