2023-08-08 1:20 AM
I provide in BOLD my comments identified by tag 08/08/2023 VFA reply included in the following mail received on 07/08/2023 from my colleague Giuseppe Calcagno.
Could you please provide the reply from your colleague from the HW team?
Best Regards
Da: noreply@salesforce.com <noreply@salesforce.com> Per conto di online.support@st.com
Inviato: lunedì 7 agosto 2023 14:55
A: GIUSEPPE CALCAGNO, Vodafone <giuseppe.calcagno@vodafone.com>
Oggetto: Case# 00184890 has been updated. [ref:_00Db0000000YtG6._5003W00000QWgmZ:ref]
Dear Giuseppe Calcagno,
Below case has been updated.
Case#: 00184890
Subject: very hight noise on rx signal received
My colleague from the HW team reviewed the schematics in attachment (RF TRANSCEIVER 4800.pdf). And there are some remarks:
We have indeed several remarks that need to be implemented to improve RF results. Comments are based on our 433MHz ref design IKD002V3D whose design files can be found here : STEVAL-IKR002V3D - SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 433 MHz - DAUGHTER BOARD - STMicroelectronics)
1- A 330pF capacitor is mandatory in parallel to C103 (Vreg pin) to ensure proper VCO locking.
08/08/2023 VFA reply: ok. Capacitor = 330pF in parallel to C103 added.
2- TX pin is biased at the same time using SMPS_EXT2 pin and Vaux (= Vbatt). This is not recommended and only one configuration should be implemented.
a. By choosing SMPS_EXT2 (normal mode), you can output up to 11.5dbm
b. By choosing Vaux (boost mode), you can output up to 16dBm with a 3v6 Vbatt.
c. What is the configuration you want to use ?
08/08/2023 VFA reply: the HW schematic shared is a Master schematic in which different HW versions are foreseen. At this stage we’ve not frozen which configuration will be used.
From the datasheet we have understood that:
3- That being said, I recommend referring to the design files of our reference board for proper component value in both RX and TX paths; It looks like the values you implemented are the ones for 868MHz operations not 433MHz operations.
a. For example, we recommend using L21 = open @ 433MHz, while it is set at 22nH in your schematics as onour 868MHz ref design
b. For example, we recommend using L14 = 100nH @ 433MHz while it is set at 27nH in your schematics
08/08/2023 VFA reply: in our application we have two operating modes. RX @433MHz (from driver card) and TX @868MHz (to wireless siren).
I confirm that the values in the schematic are selected from the “Table 3. BOM for different bands” of the datasheet attached.
In particular:
Can you please confirm that the above considerations are correct and that transmission and reception on different bands can be implemented? Can you please suggest a dedicated filter/adapter network?
A second option that we would like to test is RX @433MHz and TX&RX @868MHz with the same filter/adapter network. Can you please confirm that the 3 bands operation can be implemented and if can you suggest a dedicated filter/adapter network?
Thanks for sending us updated schematics (as well as gerber files) whenever available
I have also received the confirmation that your parcel with the key fob is on track. I should get it in a few days so. Meanwhile I am checking the specific case of OOK reception in Direct GPIO mode.
Thanks & Regards,
Please visit ST Customer Support Portal for further information.
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Best regards,
ST Customer Support