2019-04-29 4:26 AM
I would like to use Bluenrg-ms in simultaneous central/peripheral mode. My initialization method builds up like this: 1. after the first reset, set up stack mode 3 by calling aci_hal_wirite_config data, 2. call aci_gap_init_IDB05A1 function with peripheral and central simultaneous mode, 3. try to call aci_gap_start_general_discovery_proc(0x10,0x10,PUBLIC_ADDR,0x00); and it returns successfully but hci event callback hangs and IRQ pin stays high. I use X-CUBE-BLE1.4.2.0 additional software package and firmware 7.2. Could anybody help me solve this problem?
2020-06-10 9:52 AM
Were you able to make any progress in solving your issue of the BlueNrg-MS hanging when in simultaneously scanning/advertising? I'm running into a similar issue though I'm using mode 4, with passive observing, rather than doing a general discovery...I'm finding the IRQ line to stay high and am unable to clear the IRQ without a reset...
2020-06-10 10:43 PM