2017-02-06 10:41 PM
Hi i want to use SPWF01SA wifi module, but i'm confused about connections.
I want to control SPWF01S with another mcu and in my schematic i've connected only rx,tx, vcc and gnd also one connector like jtag. But i did not understand how to program module ? My jtag connections right ? In SPWF01SA with nucleo board schematics, there is a connector like a jtag. (Below
) I need help about connections with my mcu and also RTS and CTS pins. I write details below pictures. My design isSPWF_wifi.PDF.
I'm sure that, there are forgotten connections.With warmest regards.
2017-02-08 04:59 AM
JTAG is not the official way to update the module. Use UART (STM32 Flashloader) or OverTheAir feature (AT command). Do not write module's flash @ 0x8000000 address.
CTS and RTS are not needed for update, but can help on module's life. Other useful pins are GPIO0 (for factory reset), GPIO7 (for miniAP startup via HW), Reset (always a good idea), and status GPIOs (GPIO10, 13 and 14).
For module's output pins (Tx, RTS, and status GPIOs), do not forget that high level is 2V5. Pay attention to external mcu's input levels.
2017-02-08 06:03 AM
Okay i'll take care what you said. Thanks a lot
2017-04-14 01:45 AM
Hi Gerardo!
You say that JTAG is not the official way to update, but what is the official way then? Because UART update takes about 3 minutes and 30 seconds to update, and JTAG takes about 35 seconds...Think if you have to update 5000 modules....the time is money...so what is the best way for production? Why the serial update takes such a lot of time?
2017-04-14 02:39 PM
UART takes 40 seconds. Which baudrate are you using? Please check also your USB2UART interface (double check with another one)
2017-04-19 06:40 AM
I am talking about firmware update, so the baudrate is 115200bps. You can change the baudrate of the bootloader? How?
I am using an FTDI adapter for communication, just TX and RX without the control lines (checked with 2 different adapters and the time is the same ~ 3 minutes and 30 seconds).
I tried with 1203flash.exe provided with the module, and also with the GUI FlashLoader demonstrator, but the result is the same: 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
2017-04-19 04:43 PM
STM32F1 bootloader works fine also with higher baudrates than 115200 (1203flash.exe contains an hardcoded 115200). I usually set 921600 on Linux environment, even if it's not really used so high. As USB2UART adapter, I use STEVAL-PCC018V1:
3.5 minutes are too much!!!
- set higher baudrate on flashloader demonstrator
- change adapter
- change USB port
- change PC/OS
2017-04-19 05:40 PM
Does seem rather long. The System Loader auto-bauds the connection with 8E1 framing, the ceiling is 1.5Mbaud as I recall.
Heck, if you don't like the protocol, push a small loader into RAM and execute your own.
The thing with serial is that it scales very cheaply, I've seen a lot of places using old scrap PC hardware for test stations as people get new kit, and a 4-port USB serial adapter might run $35-40
2017-06-01 04:29 AM
Hi Gerardo,
Regarding to .21 module FW upgrade/programming, as you mentioned JTAG is not official way, but working by any chance? Using UART should be similar speed? My quesiton is if I/my customer is going to mass production with this module and would like to do the manufacture pre-programming. Which way would be the best to implement and how. I could not find much info about JTAG but sounds like for mass production pre-programming, would this be a better option than UART? But how to realize it. And document we can refer to? Please advise. Thanks a lot.
2017-06-01 09:04 AM
JTAG (SWD...) is not official (nobody will help you if module becomes dead, or if MAC address will be lost, especially on *.21 modules), but it works, and you can use it. 2 wires: SWCLK on pin 29, and SWDIO on pin 26.
Starting address for application is 0x08002800, same used for UART bootloader.