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What to change in order to range under high ambient light conditions (VL6180x)

Associate II


I am trying some settings on VL6180x for avoing "Max_Signal_To_Noise_Ratio" when ranginf under sunlight conditions.

I have tried to disable DMAX (#define DEF_DMAX_ENABLE     0), but still I get the MAX snr errror.

I have been trying to set other limit to SNR, Which I managed to do it, But no succes when ranging at sunlight.

I do not need high accuracy.

Regards, Ramon.

ST Employee

Hello Ramon,

You can try to reduce the noise by setting the readout__averaging_sample_period register

readout__averaging_sample_period: The internal readout averaging sample period can be

adjusted from 0 to 255. Increasing the sampling period decreases noise but also reduces the

effective max convergence time and increases power consumption:

You can find more details in the datasheet of the VL6180X here


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Associate II

Hello Anne,

Thanks for answering.

Note the error is given due to high ambient light.

0693W00000Npuf4QAB.pngDo you think by using longer sampling periods I can minimize the effect of the light?

Regards, Ramon.

ST Employee


Unless you really want to use the VL6180X, it is better to switch to the VL53L4CD outdoor. Please buy the evaluation kit and try it : P-NUCLEO-53L4A1.


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Associate II


Thanks for your answer,

I see you can range up to 130cm with this part. I just need to range up to 15 cm. I have a solid obstacle at 15 cm and I need to detect objects between sensor and obstacle.

Do you think this part is ok for ranging at 15 cm maximum?

Regards, Ramon.

ST Employee


The VL53L4CD is a close distance sensor so it is OK for ranging at 15 cm.


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