2022-03-17 1:44 AM
I just started working with VL53L5CX but can't find details on the commands/registers. I had a look to the example code and can use it but I can only guess what the different settings send via i2c to the firmware will do. I also studied the different pdfs provided on the related website but also found only general descriptions what is possible and what the different functions are doing. Where can I find a more detailed description for the firmware?
2022-03-17 8:42 AM
The L5 as we call it really doesn't have any registers. It's a full blown MCU. In fact, during the init of the chip an 80K program is downloaded to get the sensor running.
We use the 'register' concept to communicate, because it fits the I2C protocol.
The bad news is you need to do the download, but the good news is that we can continue to tweak the features of the sensor.
We tried to make the API as flexible as we could and as easy to understand so you would not be tempted to demand a register map.
But as the chip software and the API are a matched set, you really are kind of stuck with using the ST API.
If you have questions as to what is going on, I'll do my best to help.
2022-03-21 3:28 AM
I just wrote a simple ranging test based on the examples. Two questions came up.
2022-03-21 7:10 AM
Ok, the signal is now available. The internal pull-up was not activated.