2021-04-27 2:54 AM
Hello, I hope someone can help me with this.
I have 3 VL53l1x and i have connected and programmed all of the 3 sensors to a arduino nano and I am receiving data from all three at the same time.
I tried to perform 5x16 RoI for all three VL53L1X sensors with 200 ms timing budget , but am not really sure how to program it correctly cause m not getting the results I need.
Is there any sample code that I can follow, Thank you soo much
2021-04-27 7:56 AM
This is an easy one.
If you are using the UltraLiteDriver for the VL53L1CX,
Download the UM2555 VL53L1X ultra lite driver multiple zone implementation 1.0 from ST.com (just search for it.)
Download STSW-IMG017 - 2D LIDAR using multiple VL53L1X Time-of-Flight long distance ranging sensors
from the ST site.
This code programs 9 sensors, and modifies the ROI continuously.
It uses the UltraLite driver for the VL53L1X.
STSW-IMG009 - VL53L1X ULD API (Ultra Lite Driver Application Programming Interface)
The code is not particularly easy to follow, but it has great examples of exactly what you want to do.
And it's short.
it shows you how to re-program the addresses of the sensors.
It shows you how to adjust the FoV.
If you are using the VL53L1CB, then you have to read the user manual more carefully - it's in there.
If you are using the VL53L1CX but the standard driver, the user manual has the details.
(These calls are different from the ULD, so please note that. The ULD changed the calling parameters to shorten the code - but it's harder on you.)
2021-04-27 11:10 PM
Thank you so much.. I was able to program the sensor and its working properly. I am still facing a small issue, I receive the data from the 3 sensors at the same time continuously for 10 minutes and then I get a continuous "00" values for some seconds and then start receiving the data for 10 mins and then receive 0,this goes on continuously.
Thanks again