Can the VL53L1X ULD API be ported to Arduino?
Yes, the VL53L1X ULD API code has recently offcially ported by STM32duino to Arduino. The library is available on Github :
Yes, the VL53L1X ULD API code has recently offcially ported by STM32duino to Arduino. The library is available on Github :
I have a 3 VL53L1X satel boards with me .I started testing it out and am facing some minor issues. I saw in the data sheet that I can program the Region of Interest. I am programming it in arduino. I was hoping if I can get a sample code with the pr...
Hello,I'm looking for using multiple sensors (10 exactly) in my systems. I have two tricky specifications :get measurement frequency of at least 50Hzlimited as best as possible the space of sensors PCBTherefore I have the idea to use a single interru...
Hi,I am using a VL6180X sensor withSYSRANGE__MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME: 63READOUT__AVERAGING_SAMPLE_PERIOD: 255What are the best settings for minimal noise?Are there any other setting I have to adjust?I also have seen the video
Hi folks,Im using VL53L3CX API for Stm32l476rg .Im generating code through CubeMx on keilinclude all .h & .c file from core & platform of api in inc & src folder of Project,also giving path .I got some error in Platform files & in main code .Please f...
The API has the function VL53LX_SetTuningParameter (VL53LX_DEV Dev, uint16_t TuningParameterId, int32_t TuningParameterValue) and there is a file vl53lx_tuning_parm_defaults.h, which contains defines for the TuningParameterId I guess. What I don't kn...
I need to send the People count obtained from VL53L1X to the Server using Wifi. Does STM32 connect to Wifi or do we need an external Wifi Module for this? Also what changes have to be made in the VL53L1X code and also in which .c file of src/API fold...