2023-04-18 2:14 AM
2023-04-18 7:21 AM
That statement is a little misleading. You are going to get an 8x8 structure of data with information on each zone. And the FoV is 45x45, making each zone about 5 degrees x 5 degrees. If you don't want the data in a particular area, just don't bother to look at it.
In my water level software I only look at the dozen or so zones in the center, the others not having much value.
Sorry for the confusion.
2023-04-18 7:28 AM
thank you for the answer.
>>You are going to get an 8x8 structure of data with information on each zone. And the FoV is 45x45, making each zone about 5 degrees x 5 degrees.
can i assume that 4x4 structure of data will give me about 11 degrees for each zone\?
2023-04-18 7:31 AM
Exactly. And if you want the 4x4, you can run at 60Hz, which some applications want.
2023-04-18 8:08 AM
thank you John