2023-03-28 9:32 PM
I have installed the driver module on my Jetson Nano device and I'm able to detect the device after running the Phio application. But I want to use the driver APIs calls provided in vl53lx_api.h to access the device from a user application. Phio application doesn't use the driver APIs, it makes IOCTL calls directly. Is there a way to use the driver APIs?
2023-03-29 5:10 AM
the vl53l4cx linux driver is compiled in kernel mode and must be accessed through sysfs or Ioctl linux paths. However, if your needs are only user space side the driver can be compiled in user space and then your user space application can call directly all the API functions.
The drawback is you shall use the device in polling mode because the end of ranging interrupt can't be caught directly from the user space.
Please let us know if such user space only driver compilation fits your needs.
2023-04-03 3:39 AM
Yes, the user space only driver compilation will work for me, but how do I proceed with that? some reference will be helpful. Also, does the 'phio' application run on polling mode? if yes, then how are the interrupts cleared? because there is no ioctl call to clear the interrupt and to start the next ranging.