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Does the cross-talk calibration on a VL6180X sensor always need to be performed?

Associate II

The calibration procedure for a VL6180X sensor states that the offset calibration does not need to be done if the sensor is within +/- 3mm for a specified target. Is there every a situation in which the cross-talk calibration procedure doesn't need to be performed?

Can ambient light impact my offset and cross-talk calibration values?

ST Employee

Hi BMcGe

Cross-talk is the the TOF emitted light bounce back from glass to receiver, so cross-talk calibration is needed if you add a cover glass on top of VL6180CX. ​

Ambien light contain 850nm light will affect calibration result, if the light doesn't have 850nm energy, there will be no risk.



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Associate II

Would calibrating the cross-talk when there is no cover glass cause any issues with the sensor's readings?