HiVL53L0X interrupt pin is open drain structure, in theory it should be same with your manual switch setup.May I know you pull-up resistor value for both VL53L0X interrupt pin and your manually operated switch?And I suggest you check input(A) and out...
Hi This is interesting use case, for glass guide, normally we should use the flat cover glass and put is in parallel with TOF sensor top surface. for the cover glass itself, it needs high transmittance and low haze value at 940nm. For your use case, ...
HiSeeing the example code is writing 0x8000 a big size FW, you can split to two 0x4000 block size writing. this is just split writing to two times, the total time will be not reduced. Original code// status |= WrMulti(&(p_dev->platform),0, (uint8_t...
Hi When VL53l5CX initialization, there is big block of code (around 86KB) was downloaded into the device, and plus some other operation, like reboot, so the total booting time is quite long.From my side, If I set I2C speed to 400K, it took around 2.2...
Hi I went through all the discussion on this topic. to be direct, RefSPAD seems not related with your issue. The RefSPAD calibration is used to calibrate the reference SPAD array, to select the reference SPAD position and number. the reference SPADs...