2019-06-03 7:53 AM
Hello. I received message:
where 71 is satID. i need to know is it GPS or GLONASS to determine carrier frequency. how can i do that?
2019-06-03 8:15 AM
It can be configured two ways, as I recall.
The normal way to convert to a GLONASS satellite is to subtract 64. GPS satellites would report as 1 thru 32. GLONASS as 65 thru 88
I'm sure one could easily confirm/verify using Teseo Suite..
2019-06-04 1:01 AM
From Teseo-3 Binary Image User Manual:
Hope this helps
2019-06-05 1:47 AM
there are 24 GLONASS satellits now, but 99-64 = 27.
I received satNum=91. is it GLONASS?
2019-06-05 2:02 AM
if Sat-ID is in the range [65 - 92 ] then it's a GLONASS satellite
2019-06-05 2:34 AM
look at this table:
there are only 1 to 24 satellites in GLONASS, if i received satID=91. 91-64=27
where can i find Number of Frequency Slug for satellite 27?