2019-12-29 11:29 PM
I am working with Teseo-Liv3F to test NMEA0183 strings over BLSP UART 12 on my board.
To test the antenna used is : FR-01-S4-224 ,also gpsmon application and gpsd daemon .
I am unable to get location fixed , only empty strings are coming.
Is there any info about ways to check firmware file is updated, or to flash the binary on the Teseo-Liv3F module ?
Thanks in advance.
2019-12-30 4:18 AM
No fix is more indicative of a poor RF path or poor antenna implementation/placement. Check tuning, test outside with clear view ok sky.
2019-12-30 4:50 AM
I have used the passive antenna FR-01-S4-224, which I know is the reason for long time-taken-to-fix . But is there any :
1) means to modify LNA circuits to get a quicker fix ?
2) means to check if the module has necessary firmware uploaded ?
2019-12-30 12:23 PM
Not even in the right band
The Teseo-LIV3F modules ship with working/functional firmware, should provide commands to probe via Teseo Suite
User manual describing $PSTMGETSWVER command
2020-01-01 10:49 PM
My procedure to test GPS is as simple as :
1) Connecting the antenna to the module, and running gpsd daemon in background.
2) Application to test NMEA : gpsmon
How impactful is it to configure the module using commands designed by ST in Teseo-Suite ?
Is it the part of procedure to run these configurations on every module to start searching for satellites ?
Thanks in advance..
2020-01-02 9:13 PM
I have followed the steps you suggested.
The log file attached says :
[03-01-2020 10:38:27] ERROR DECODER NMEA No Checksum in the frame : $PSTMGETSWVER
Please check the file for reference.
[03-01-2020 10:35:38] INFO APPLICATION MAIN Application starts with no args
[03-01-2020 10:35:38] INFO MANAGER VERSION Product : TeseoSuite
[03-01-2020 10:35:38] WARNING MANAGER VERSION Platform and build number unknown
[03-01-2020 10:35:41] INFO MANAGER SERIAL_PORT Port COM24 - not data received
[03-01-2020 10:35:41] WARNING FORM MAIN Automatic port detection failed
[03-01-2020 10:35:49] INFO SYSTEM NMEA_SETTINGS Load NMEA configuration file : C:\Users\yash.j\AppData\Local\STMicroelectronics\Teseo_Suite\NMEA_Payload\STA8089_8090\ConfigPayloadNMEA.xml
[03-01-2020 10:35:49] INFO SYSTEM NMEA_SETTINGS Load output NMEA configuration file : C:\Users\yash.j\AppData\Local\STMicroelectronics\Teseo_Suite\NMEA_Payload\STA8089_8090\ConfigPayloadOutputNMEA.xml
[03-01-2020 10:35:49] INFO MANAGER VERSION Product : DRLIB
[03-01-2020 10:35:49] INFO SYSTEM NMEA_SETTINGS Load NMEA configuration file : C:\Users\yash.j\AppData\Local\STMicroelectronics\Teseo_Suite\NMEA_Payload\STA8089_8090\ConfigPayloadNMEA.xml
[03-01-2020 10:35:49] INFO SYSTEM NMEA_SETTINGS Load output NMEA configuration file : C:\Users\yash.j\AppData\Local\STMicroelectronics\Teseo_Suite\NMEA_Payload\STA8089_8090\ConfigPayloadOutputNMEA.xml
[03-01-2020 10:35:49] INFO FORM SESSION Session Name:[Auto], Add Device:[STA8090_v4.5.1_D1], NmeaPort:[COM24,115200,8,None,One,1000],
[03-01-2020 10:36:38] INFO MANAGER SERIAL_PORT Serial port COM24 input buffer size: 7200 bytes
[03-01-2020 10:36:39] INFO MANAGER DEVICE Open Port:[Control] on device [STA8090_v4.5.1_D1]
[03-01-2020 10:36:39] INFO MANAGER DEVICE Start read nmea thread on device [STA8090_v4.5.1_D1]
[03-01-2020 10:36:39] INFO MANAGER NMEA >$PSTMGETSWVER,255
[03-01-2020 10:36:39] INFO MANAGER NMEA >$PSTMGETSWVER
[03-01-2020 10:36:39] ERROR DECODER NMEA No Checksum in the frame : $PSTMGETSWVER,255
[03-01-2020 10:36:39] ERROR DECODER NMEA No Checksum in the frame : $PSTMGETSWVER
[03-01-2020 10:37:00] ERROR DECODER NMEA No Checksum in the frame : $PSTMGETSWVER
[03-01-2020 10:37:20] ERROR DECODER NMEA No Checksum in the frame : $PSTMCOLD,F
[03-01-2020 10:37:42] ERROR DECODER NMEA No Checksum in the frame : $PSTMGETSWVER
[03-01-2020 10:38:27] INFO MANAGER NMEA >$PSTMGETSWVER,255
[03-01-2020 10:38:27] INFO MANAGER NMEA >$PSTMGETSWVER
[03-01-2020 10:38:27] ERROR DECODER NMEA No Checksum in the frame : $PSTMGETSWVER,255
[03-01-2020 10:38:27] ERROR DECODER NMEA No Checksum in the frame : $PSTMGETSWVER
2020-01-07 12:30 AM
Sorry for a so long delay due to Christmas Holiday.
In the Log I see:
> COM24,115200,8,None,One,1000
it's wrong ... the default LIV3F baud rate is 9600
On the No-Fix-Issue:
> wanted to know how reset and wakeup are used to monitor UART transfers ?
wakuep pin is required to asynchronous waking-up the module from standby (no real relationship with UART transmission)
reset pin (active low) is used to reset the module
Hope this helps
2020-02-04 3:20 AM
I am configuring the UART port for using Teseo-LIV3F. I have used BLSP_UART12 of Qualcomms SD820 board.
In this the board is having issues in registering UART port, since its having only /sys/devices/platform/soc/75b4000.uart/.
Is there any UART driver that needs to be configured for this module to start UART tx and rx ??
Thanks for any help on this..
2020-02-04 3:36 AM
just because you are powering the module LIV will start transmitting.
There is no special driver...
You have only to configure the Host.UART with the right setting:
9600 - 8bits- 1STop - ParitiNone
Host doesn't have to raise any command to trigger LIV transmission.
At the end just using a minicom on the tty port you should see the NMEA stream
2020-02-05 11:16 PM
Is there a Linux variant of the Teseo-Suite application ??
And is the serial USB driver only way to detect the Device for communication.
Since in my case the UART port from module is linked to processor without having output FTDI connection.
Thanks for any help on this..