2022-07-20 8:51 AM
Herewith i have attached my Gnss receiver configuration.I can able to see all the gnss information in teseo-suite pro application.But my requirement is the raw binary data which is being received on the com port i need to convert it to human readable format. And the condition is i have to use only RTCM 3.5 protocol.And once its converted to human readable format the data needs to be passed to Canoe for system testing purposes? Can you kindly support me on this ?
2022-07-20 9:04 AM
That would seem to fall under the scope of the software engineer(s) working on your project.
Are you looking for documentation on the messaging format?
2022-07-20 11:44 PM
Hello Tesla DeLorean,
Thanks for answering.I am following the document from ST (AN GNSS RTCM3 proprietary Interface).Can you kindly guide me how to parse the RTCM3 proprietary messages(ID 999) into Json for example . So that i can sync up with software engineer and give him an general idea.
2022-07-21 2:20 PM
The software in your screenshot seems to be created exactly for this purpose and has a tab "Message Decoding", which should present something human readable.
There is a slight difference between Canoe and CANoe.
> But my requirement is the raw binary data which is being received on the com port i need to convert it to human readable format. ... And once its converted to human readable format the data needs to be passed to Canoe...
Human readable formats over CAN?
2022-07-22 1:42 AM
Hello Piranha,
Thank you for answering. Yes i am aware of the message decoding provided with the application.But I want to do the decoding separately since we are using the same chipset in our end hardware and i wanted to check the performance during full functionality test.
And the first part is to decode the RTCM3 proprietary messages from the COM port and then using the RS232 Capl Apis in CANoe to dispaly the information.
2022-07-25 7:54 AM
The RTCM3 standard is available through www.rtcm.org for a fee. The standard covers all of the standard RTCM3 messages as well at the framing information. To get you started, the RTCM3 frame starts with a 24 bit header consisting of a preamble byte (0xD3), then 6 reserved bits set to 0, and a 10 bit message length in bytes. The message length does not include the 24 bit header or the 24 bit CRC code at the end of the message.
| 0xD3 | 000000 | 10bit Length | Message | 24bit CRC |
The message portion is what is described in the "AN GNSS RTCM3 Proprietary Interface" document.
There is an open source library called RTKLIB which includes RTCM3 decoder source. This is a good code reference for creating an RTCM3 decoder. The rtcm.c and rtcm3.c files in the source folder are a good place to start.
2022-07-25 8:09 AM
2022-07-25 11:46 PM
Hello Trevor LEA,
Thanks for answering.Can i use the same open source library for decoding ST proprietary messages as well?
2022-07-26 6:53 AM
RTKLIB does not decode the ST message. You will need to add these messages yourself.
2022-07-26 6:58 AM
Hi Trevor LEA,
Thanks for your support. :)