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Cannot log in again. idpsso blocking.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

I am unable to log on to my ST account for two days. The community forum itself reads well, no delays etc.

But logging in fails because does not respond (browser reports timeout). From my location IP address of idpsso resolves to

(Now I've logged in via a proxy with exit point with very good reputation in the USA, but cannot use it all the time).

Had tried to redirect either or, both seem to enable logging in.


I'm very sorry to hear that these issues are appearing again. I've gone ahead and escalated the issue. I'll get back to you in this thread as soon as I have any relevant information. 

Best regards,

I understand there's probably a strong desire to pull the corporate "theme" into every page, but this sort of interstitial page could probably be simplified significantly whilst not tracking every change to the global theme, and whatever regression that causes.

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Trouble again this morning:

  1. the login screen took ages to load
  2. once it finally loaded, it accepted login details, but then just returned to a black login form - without actually logging in
  3. after a couple of cycles of that, I got the HTTP 404:


  4. after a couple of retries of that, I eventually got in!

This morning, prior to attempting to log in, I prepared to do the thing to create a .HAR file:

Of course, this time the login worked fine!

This morning, initially got the thing where the blank login screen just reappears.

Login successful on 2nd attempt.

Will PM .HAL captures to @Laurids_PETERSEN 

404 errors this morning.

Associate II

Error at the ACS Endpoint.

Reason: The status code of the Response was not Success, was Responder -> Unable to verify the signature


Unable to login at all

Yes thanks!