2023-07-10 11:00 AM
I am trying to use Unico to get the evaluation module to work for the LSM6DSV16X.
But I am getting an error that says it's an unexpected device based on the WHO_AM_I register.
2023-07-20 7:25 AM - edited 2023-07-20 12:10 PM
@Federica Bossi
I think that test is irrelevant since I tried to load the steval-mki109v3 binary onto a nucleo-f401re board.
I am still just trying to get the GUI to work with the normal dev-kit. I can't get past the WHO_AM_I register check. Can you confirm that this configuration works with Unico?
Trying to get to the bottom of this I have been issuing commands using a serial terminal.
The who_am_i register is not being read correctly. If you then hotplug the MEMS board, so it is no-longer in 3-wire SPI, it returns the correct 0x70 on regular SPI as shown on my logic analyzer image in a previous post above, but the GUI returns 00h still because it is anticipating 3-wire SPI.
If you could confirm the GUI works with the latest unico + binary, plus try these serial commands, it could help me figure out if there's a hardware issue.
2023-07-24 6:34 AM
@Federica Bossi
Were you or a colleague able to try any of these experiments?
2023-07-25 8:18 PM
@niccolò @Federica Bossi
Hi, I'm attempting to do final verification for hardware on this design, and this has become a significant blocker for testing advanced features. Is there a contact I can reach out to potentially get some answers for the questions above?
2023-07-26 5:50 AM
Hi @JeffWelder ,
I confirm you that the device should work:
Can you check with q_com in which configuration you are?
2023-07-26 11:10 AM
Thank you for testing this! :)
Attached are my results.
If you can provide v3.53.1 I would be willing to try it, otherwise I think I have to return the board(s) as defective?
2023-07-26 11:57 PM
Hi @JeffWelder ,
I also tried with version 3.53.3, so that cannot be the issue, I'm sorry =\
anyway, I would like to check one last thing:
the SPI 4Wire read is the one at fault, and the SPI 3Wire is good, right? (from the previous messages, I understood the opposite =P)
2023-08-03 8:40 AM
@niccolò @Federica Bossi
Yes, I seemed to have been mistaken between my logic analyzer lines, 3W works, and 4W does not.
So, I bought another brand new dev-kit and eval board from Mouser instead of Digi-Key, and I have the same exact symptoms.
3W works, and 4W does not through our Terminal test.
This is the last component of our design to be validated, so we'd like to resolve this or we'll be forced to pick another IMU. Are there any other suggestions or would it be possible to hop on a call with an FAE?
2023-08-04 7:31 AM
Hi @JeffWelder ,
could you check all the lines SDO,SDA,CLK,CS during a 4W SPI read of the WHO_AM_I register?
so that we can confirm that the communication is coming back on the right line.
2023-11-01 9:40 PM
Hi! @niccolò @Federica Bossi ,
I'm also facing similar kind of issue with STEVAL-MKI231KA. Every time I get the same issue of "The WHO_AM_I register value does not match the device selected". However I tried working with STEVAL-MKI233AA and STEVAL-MKI190V1 on my STEVAL-MKI109V3 board on Unico and everything works fine. I've explained everything in detail here: steval-mki231ka-the-who-am-i-register-value-does-not-match-the-device