2023-07-10 11:00 AM
I am trying to use Unico to get the evaluation module to work for the LSM6DSV16X.
But I am getting an error that says it's an unexpected device based on the WHO_AM_I register.
2023-07-11 1:48 AM
Hi @JeffWelder ,
Welcome to ST community =D
the issue you encountered is really strange,
could you check if it works with other adapters?
also, can you share a picture of the setup?
2023-07-11 8:34 AM - edited 2023-07-11 9:53 AM
Hi Niccolò,
I only have this adapter unfortunately.
I probed the SCx and SDx lines and don't see any activity on this brand new dev kit. The lines just go high when you click connect, and low when you close the error.
Edit: Upon moving the jumpers back to QV, I see some activity, but still get the same WHO_AM_I error.
Attached is an image of both.
Wondering if there's anything I can try.
2023-07-12 8:48 AM
It looks like the chip is being wrongfully configured.
It tries to put it into 3-wire SPI, which appears successful, but doesn't read or write correct values, failing the WHO_AM_I register test.
If I hotplug the adapter board after this configuration, I can successfully see the response of 0x70 on the WHO_AM_I register on a logic analyzer, but the GUI sees this as 0xFF since it is expecting a 3-wire SPI response.
2023-07-13 8:27 AM
In leiu of a software solution, if you could help me find a download link for the Unico version used in the demo webinar (Anyone can build smarter applications with this intelligent IMU), it would be greatly appreciated.
GUI Version:
Firmware Version V3.47.1e
2023-07-13 8:51 AM
Hi @JeffWelder ,
the older versions of Unico are not available to me, but I asked a colleague that works with UNICO for help, I'll get in touch as soon as he replies.
I'm not able to spot anything wrong with what you are doing, the only thing I could suggest is to uninstall and reinstall Unico on pc and reflash the board with its firmware, if you havn't already tried it.
2023-07-17 4:16 AM
Any update from your colleague?
I have the STEVAL-MKI227KA working wired into my custom hardware, but want to test the advanced features using the GUI.
2023-07-17 4:39 AM
Hi @JeffWelder ,
We used also an older version of Unico and a Mac pc but we didn't have any problem.
Do you have a STEVAL of another product to see if it works? If not, can you try to replicate the test using another PC?
2023-07-17 5:22 AM - edited 2023-07-17 5:46 AM
Hi @Federica Bossi,
I have tried to use Unico 9.14.6 on both Windows and Mac with no success.
I just saw Unico version 9.15.0 was released for Windows, so I downloaded the ProfiMEMSToolV3.53.3_00_08000000.bin to the dev-kit through STM32CubeProgrammer in DFU mode, then tried to connect to the device on my windows machine. I still get Error WHO_AM_I register does not match on both computers.
I don't have another STEVAL board of this form-factor to try, but I can guarantee the STEVAL-MKI227KA hat attached works via testing with my hardware. Happy to try any more suggestions.
For funsies, I tried a stm32nucleo with a x-nucleo-iks02a1 hat, with the STEVAL-MKI227KA plugged in, but that didn't recognize the motherboard.
2023-07-20 5:59 AM - edited 2023-07-20 6:00 AM
Hi @JeffWelder ,
Can you give me more details about hardware and software you used for this test: For funsies, I tried a stm32nucleo with a x-nucleo-iks02a1 hat, with the STEVAL-MKI227KA plugged in, but that didn't recognize the motherboard.