2021-01-06 6:42 AM
Hi STM community,
Is anyone here familiar with adding the CMSIS-NN functions in a source code in STM32CubeIDE ?
If you are, could you please point me to or provide me with the proper steps to do so ?
As I am facing compile error "undefined reference to ..." when I attempt to use these functions e.g.
This code is configured to run in the NUCLEO-F446RE board in the STM32CubeIDE
a prompt reply is much appreciated
2021-02-18 2:15 PM
Hi @PPoob.1 : If you download and attach downloaded files to your project, setup include path, then it should work. referenced function arm_depthwise_conv_3x3_s8() is defined in arm_depthwise_conv_3x3_s8.c of CMSIS-NN. You can download latest version 5.7.0 of CMSIS from https://github.com/ARM-software/CMSIS_5
Good luck!
2022-06-28 7:26 AM
@PPoob.1 did it work for you. I am trying to do the same. I just need to create a small NN using CMSIS-NN. Also, do you have a sample project that can be used in STMCubeIDE? @ramkumarkoppu can the sources from CMSIS .pack file also be used or need to use the github downloaded code?