2023-07-30 5:53 AM
I performed the steps in manual to get it started. I could assign an ID and I could get the green ACK.
As soon as I try to go to the next step (3.2) configuring voltages the ACK turns red. Meaning I can´t send any configs to the device. I tried to read instead of writing, same outcome.
Sometimes I can get the ACK green again if I start diagnostic, sometimes I need to powercycle.
I connected the minimum pack voltage ( 2 cables) and I also tried the 4 cell connection with resistors- same outcome.
Open wire detection tells me only the first and the last cell are connected (after that the ACK for that button also turns red)
The attached AN states it should be Firmware 1.6...is there a new firmware? I have 1.5 (as the picture in the AN also shows) I can+t find any manual showing how to update the firmware.
What am I missing?
2023-07-30 9:29 PM
I was surprised that the page about this device seems to be incomplete, (I expected at least the full IC datasheet) and unfortunately I found this, in the software section: "Not recommended for new designs".
2023-07-31 7:37 AM
What?! This was not there a few days ago... but its only the Eval board, not the chip, the chip is still green and it should be for 10 years now. L9963E - Automotive chip for battery management applications with daisy chain up to 31 devices - STMicroelectronics
But still, I purchased it, I payed, i would like to use it...
2023-07-31 7:38 AM
?! Where is that update button?
2023-07-31 7:54 AM - edited 2023-07-31 12:13 PM
Does someone have a download link to the GUI software?
I may have loaded the one for L9963E by accident.
And I cant find the one for L9963
2023-09-12 12:23 AM
The evaluation GUI V2.8 should work with L9963E boards with Firmware 1.6 and above.
For L9963 boards with firmware 1.5 , evaluation GUI V1.8 and below should be used.
In any case, after clearing the IDs, please only click Configure ID ONCE.
After that, please select correct Dev ID to read / write to the registers.
Sometimes, when you click "single write / read " , the ACK is RED the 1st time, you can try to click it a few times, and it will be GREEN.
Best Regards
Kong Choy