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debug button does not work, debugging does work

Matthew Richardson
Associate II
Posted on November 09, 2017 at 21:25

In SPC5Studio, the debug button in the ribbon does not function, and the debug button in the Activity Wizard is not enabled (is visible though). 


1) Pressing the Debug Button in the ribbon has no function.

2) Pressing the Debug section in Activity Wizard results in a Console Error 'Debug KO'

3) Right Clicking on the project Debug As >>>  2 Universal Debug Engine, results with fault dialog 'Launch failed Binary not found'

4) I am able to debug via the UDE if I right click on the project Debug As>>> Debug Configurations>>> [Chose my created UDE Debug Configuration] >>> Debug.  The only way Debug seems to initialize is from this Debug Configurations dialog.

It seems that the top level buttons and controls aren't finding the configuration I created.  When I drill down and chose it manually (method 4), then I am able to debug.  In Project Properties, Run/Debug Settings I have just the UDE Debugger configuration I created in the Launch configurations.  I am assuming that this is what I need.

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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on November 10, 2017 at 10:14

Hello Matthew ,

Did you install PLS UDE ?

there is 2 ways to debug

  • Use the eclipse debugger based PLS UDE(plugins)
  • Use External tool PLS

Anyway , PLS UDE should installed first.

Have you tried the help sections ?


Best regards


Matthew Richardson
Associate II
Posted on November 17, 2017 at 18:18

I did install the PLS UDE per the instructions. I am able to debug from a perspective, so I think the components are installed and working. I think the Debug button in the ribbon and the Debug button in Activity Wizardare a legit bug with SPC5Studio or another component, or eclipse. I even uninstalled and reinstalled SPC5Studio and the UDE debugger from scratch, same problem. However, I am able to debug if I

right click on the project Debug As>>> Debug Configurations>>> [Chose my created UDE Debug Configuration] >>> Debug. The debugger is working, just can't be initialized from the buttons. I am working on some PCB design right now, but will circle back to this issue later this month to see if I can get it resolved. Many thanks Erwan. I am reading a lot of your posts. You are doing a great job for ST.

Attached is the dialog I am able to use to initiate a debug perspective and use the debugger


Attachments :

Debug_As.PNG :
Posted on November 20, 2017 at 10:34

Hello Matthew ,

For your information , we do not develop PLS Eclipse Integration plugins

The last version will still be in this following directory :

c:\Program Files (x86)\pls\UDE Starterkit 4.8\

Anyway , in some cases there is an issue linked to the PLS Workspace association in windows

cf ,


   Best regards
