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L9963E balancing and its relationship with the MCU (STM32)



I have an STM32U5 communicating with a L9963E in order to balance a series of cells, although I think I may be underestimating/misinterpreting the functionality of the IC as I have been struggling to get the cells to balance correctly.

Assuming I have set the registers correctly (relevant cells enabled, flags cleared, thresholds defined etc.), could someone clarify to me if, when I tell the L9963E to balance a selection of cells, the IC will actively discharge the cells with the higher voltages until they all reach an equal (lower) value?

Or is the IC just simply discharging the cells I tell it to and that it is the STM32's responsibility to read the cell voltages and disable the balancing for each cell when appropriate?


I am aware that there is a "Timed Balancing" mode where I could set the "balancing" time for each cell, but I do not know enough information about the cells in order to determine these values.

Many Thanks