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SBSFU - Start in different flash memory sector

Associate III


I'm using a STM32F722RE and in my current application, I used sector 2 and 3 of the flash as a virtual EEPROM. The memory of the controller looks like this:


So sector 4 should be enough for the SBSFU and I would like to set my application to sector 5 and the download area to sector 6. Now, when I change everything in the linkerscript, the controller goes somewhere unexpected and I lose the debug connection,

What I have done:

The linkerscript of the SECoreBin is unchanged.

The linkerscripts of the SBSFU are changed as follow:


/* Entry Point */
/* Highest address of the user mode stack */
_estack = 0x2003C000;    /* end of RAM */
/* Generate a link error if heap and stack don't fit into RAM */
_Min_Heap_Size = 0;      /* required amount of heap  */
_Min_Stack_Size = 0x2000; /* required amount of stack */
INCLUDE mapping_fwimg.ld
INCLUDE mapping_sbsfu.ld
/* Specific SBSFU definition */
__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__    = 0x08010000;
SE_Binary_region_ROM_Length = __ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_end__ - __ICFEDIT_SE_CallGate_region_ROM_start__ + 1;
/* Specify the memory areas */
 ISR_VECTOR (rx)               : ORIGIN = __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__, LENGTH = VECTOR_SIZE
 SE_Binary_region_ROM (rx)     : ORIGIN = __ICFEDIT_SE_CallGate_region_ROM_start__, LENGTH = SE_Binary_region_ROM_Length 


/* Slots must be aligned on sector size */
/* Active slot #1 : 1984 kbytes */
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_1_start__  = 0x08020000;  
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_1_end__    = 0x0803FFFF;
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_1_header__ = __ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_1_start__;
/* Slots not configured */
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_2_header__ = 0x00000000;
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_2_start__  = 0x00000000;
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_2_end__    = 0x00000000;
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_3_header__ = 0x00000000;
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_3_start__  = 0x00000000;
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_3_end__    = 0x00000000;


/* SE Code region protected by protected area */
VECTOR_SIZE = 0x400;
__ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_start__       = 0x08010000 + VECTOR_SIZE;
__ICFEDIT_SE_CallGate_region_ROM_start__   = __ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_start__;  /* No need to do +4 as we have dummy bytes in SE_CoreBin .ld file */
__ICFEDIT_SE_CallGate_region_ROM_end__     = __ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_start__ + 0x1FF;
/* SE key region protected by protected area */
__ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_start__        = __ICFEDIT_SE_CallGate_region_ROM_end__ + 0x1;
__ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_end__          = __ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_start__ + 0xFF;
/* SE Startup: call before enabling protected area*/
__ICFEDIT_SE_Startup_region_ROM_start__    = __ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_end__ + 0x1;
__ICFEDIT_SE_Code_nokey_region_ROM_start__ = __ICFEDIT_SE_Startup_region_ROM_start__ + 0x100;
/* Aligned SE End at the end of the 1st 32Kbytes of flash, MPU protection isolation constraints */
__ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_end__         =  0x08017FFF;
/* SE IF ROM: used to locate Secure Engine interface code out of protected area */
__ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_start__         = __ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_end__ + 1;
__ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_end__           = __ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_start__ + 0x8FF;
/* SBSFU Code region */
__ICFEDIT_SB_region_ROM_start__            = __ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_end__ + 0x1;
/* Aligned SE End at the end of the 1st 64Kbytes of flash, MPU protection isolation constraints */
__ICFEDIT_SB_region_ROM_end__              =  0x0801FFFF;

So I don't see what is wrong here? Do I need to change something else?

Associate III

From my testing, always when I choose another start address for the SBSFU than 0x8000000, the update process over tera term fails and the SBSFU firmware gets bricked. The thing is, the SBSFU boots correctly before I flash the first time the application.

I also tried to split as follows, but this leads to the same error:

/* SE Code region protected by protected area */
VECTOR_SIZE = 0x400;
__ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_start__       = 0x08000000 + VECTOR_SIZE;
__ICFEDIT_SE_CallGate_region_ROM_start__   = __ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_start__;  /* No need to do +4 as we have dummy bytes in SE_CoreBin .ld file */
__ICFEDIT_SE_CallGate_region_ROM_end__     = __ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_start__ + 0x1FF;
/* SE key region protected by protected area */
__ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_start__        = __ICFEDIT_SE_CallGate_region_ROM_end__ + 0x1;
__ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_end__          = __ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_start__ + 0xFF;
/* SE Startup: call before enabling protected area*/
__ICFEDIT_SE_Startup_region_ROM_start__    = __ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_end__ + 0x1;
__ICFEDIT_SE_Code_nokey_region_ROM_start__ = __ICFEDIT_SE_Startup_region_ROM_start__ + 0x100;
/* Aligned SE End at the end of the 1st 32Kbytes of flash, MPU protection isolation constraints */
__ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_end__         =  0x08007FFF;
/* SE IF ROM: used to locate Secure Engine interface code out of protected area */
__ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_start__         =  0x08010000; /*__ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_end__ + 1;*/
__ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_end__           = __ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_start__ + 0x8FF;
/* SBSFU Code region */
__ICFEDIT_SB_region_ROM_start__            = __ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_end__ + 0x1;
/* Aligned SE End at the end of the 1st 64Kbytes of flash, MPU protection isolation constraints */
__ICFEDIT_SB_region_ROM_end__              =  0x0801FFFF;

I need sector 2 and 3 for my application, sector 4 is 64kbyte at once, and I need at least two pages for the virtual eeprom emulation. I don't see, why it should not be possible to start at another sector or at least, only the vector table at 0x08000000 and the rest goes to sector 4?

Associate III

I also have trouble here, when I set the vector table to 0x08000000 and the rest of the SBSFU to 0x08010000. I can start a firmware update over UART, but the SBSFU crashed after the start and is then permanently destroyed until I erase and reprogram it. Might there be a problem with the MPU set in the example projects?

Hi @STsch.1​ ,

well you can temporarily disable MPU in the app_sfu.h and see if it works without MPU. If it does, you are another step closer to solution.



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Associate III

Well, I defined SECBOOT_DISABLE_SECURITY_IPS to deactivate all the safety features, still no success. I really don't know what else I could try.

Associate III

I tested now the STM32L152RE example, there I was able to start the SBSFU at 0x08010000, when the vector table is at 0x08000000 (also tested without MPU). Now, I think there is some other settings that needs to be adjusted for each uC type, but I really don't find anything about that.


Associate III

Ok, i could solve it, it works, when I put the application to 0x08040000. I really don't see, why it does not work for 0x08020000, there is nothing else there, that should make complications.

I'm not sure whether you are still on F7 or it's the L1 now, but I'm glad you managed to make it work.


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I am still on the F722, but I don't get it why it does not work when the app is at 0x08020000, there is nothing in this flash region from the SBSFU and I also tested it on different hardwares to ensure, the flash is ok. Also MPU is disabled. I need to further investigate this.