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Hi everyone! I am trying to interface my TETRA device with the microcontroller using the USB interface. The microcontroller will act as a usb host while the TETRA will act as a USB device. I am using STM32F469I-DISCO development board.


Hi everyone!

I am trying to interface my TETRA device with the microcontroller using the USB interface. The microcontroller will act as a usb host while the TETRA will act as a USB device. I am using STM32F469I-DISCO development board.

How can I do such kind of interfacing. Also note , this TETRA device needs a specific USB driver to install and run while connecting with the PC windows. Does the development board can support only those usb devices which don't need a driver run?


You'd need to code all the interaction with the device that the driver on the PC side would normally do.

You'll have to pull the Descriptors, and manage the USB End-Points

You'd probably want to get all available information related to interacting with the device from the manufacturer, and look at the bus activity with a bus analyzer to fully understand the interactions and expectations.

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