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Program microcontroller in Python using ctypes to utilize HAL libraries

Associate II

I am familiar with the STM32CubeIDE; I've done several of the examples and understand how it works on a basic level. What I need to do is create a user-interface (hence needing Python) that will allow a user to interact with the microcontroller. Ctypes is a Python library that allows the access and use of functions written in C as long as I have access to the library(ies) containing the C functions. I'm wondering if everything I need for an H743ZI2 MCU are in the STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver folder in my STM32Cube Repository so that I can write code in Python with the same functionality as if I had written it in the IDE.

Of course this is more work on my end because I won't have all the capabilities from the CubeIDE in handling peripherals/monitoring data/ect. I'm hoping that it is possible to replicate what the IDE does in Python though.