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Finding issues in initializing the USB as CDC in the STM324x9I-EVAL board.

Associate II

I am trying to establish communication between windows 10 and SMT324x9I-EVAL board through USB by setting USB in CDC class.

For starting with, i have used example application given with stm32f4 peripheral library package(en.stm32cubef4\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.23.0\Projects\STM324x9I_EVAL\Applications\USB_Device\CDC_Standalone\SW4STM32\STM324x9I-EVAL_USBD-FS).

Unfortunatly, the board is not getting detected in windows device manager and not receiving any interrupts in OTG_FS_IRQHandler.

After enabling VBUS detect, I am receiving OTG_FS interrupt for USB connect and disconnect events but after that no other activity is observed on the USB lines.

Please advice how to proceed further.

Note: JP16 is kept open.


Try other examples, double check all jumper, solder-bridge/resistor options.

Try different cables.

Instrument code to output to serial port and check malloc/free usage.

Try building with better tools. Use Keil or IAR evaluations to built the project(s)

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Associate II

@Community member​  Thanks for the response, I have varified all the jumpers and resistors

  • Based on intructions given in the user manual JP16 is removed.
  • Resistor R117, R297 and R298 are installed in the board.
  • Green LED LD7 is turning on once the USB is connected.

I have tried flashing this example and few others(Mass storage device examples) with Keil also but still the board is not getting detected in Windows as COM device.