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Using STemWin with ILI9488 controller

Posted on May 02, 2018 at 18:28

We've been using STemWin with an LCD controller ILI9328, connected via SPI. We relied, then, on the resources from the STM32373-c eval board (ili9328.c, LCDConf_stm32373c_eval.c, etc.) and everything is working fine.

Now, we should move to a newer controller (ILI9488), which is listed among the supported devices for the GUIDRV_FlexColor STemWin driver in the documentation.

I do not find how to configure the support for the new controller: should we write a new driver, porting the support for ILI9328, according to the controller datasheet? Or can we find the sources for supporting the ILI9488 device?


#stemwin #ili9488

Sorry, bumping old zombie unanswered threads off my feed

Understand both controllers, and make a determination if and how different they are, for example if they are just slight variations of each other and if the driver needs a slight rework to identify the two controllers, or if you need to code something new/different. Use the existing drivers as templates or guides.

Check the interwebs and hubs of gits.

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