2017-01-18 10:24 AM
Hi all !
I would like to know if there is a possibility to check at runtime if a debugger is connected to the STM32.
I have to distinguish between two use cases in software:
Any help/hints are appreciated - thanks !
Best regards,
#check-debugger-connected-programmatically2017-01-18 10:34 AM
2017-01-18 10:46 AM
I have this for my SWV trace, suggest you look at ITM and SCB registers (not Cortex-M0)
if (*SCB_DHCSR & 1) // Debugger Enabled
static int Debug_ITMDebug = 0;
void Debug_ITMDebugEnable(void)
{ volatile unsigned int *ITM_TER = (volatile unsigned int *)0xE0000E00; volatile unsigned int *ITM_TCR = (volatile unsigned int *)0xE0000E80; volatile unsigned int *SCB_DHCSR = (volatile unsigned int *)0xE000EDF0; volatile unsigned int *SCB_DEMCR = (volatile unsigned int *)0xE000EDFC;*((u32 *)0xE0042004) |= 0x27;
printf('%08X %08X %08X %08X\n', *ITM_TCR, *ITM_TER
);if ((*SCB_DHCSR & 1) && (*ITM_TER & 1)) // Enabled?
Debug_ITMDebug = 1;}//****************************************************************************
2017-01-18 1:10 PM
Thanks for pointing me into the right direction !
I have this for my SWV trace, suggest you look at ITM and SCB registers
(not Cortex-M0)
Unfortunately the target processor is a STM32F072 (Cortex M0) and the detection is not working.
The ARM documentation for Cortex M0 lists the DHCSR register:
but there is no detailed description about the bit definitions or the address of the register ...
Also the CMSIS register header file shows a lack of the CoreDebug_BASE register
Is this feature simply not available for a M0 device ???
2017-01-18 1:33 PM
Is this feature simply not available for a M0 device ???
They dropped a lot of functionality out, which I've always felt is a step backward, which is why I don't have much time for the M0.
Look at the DBGMCU registers, and the clocks in the AHB/APB enabled at ResetHandler... because the debugger has likely tweaked things to suit its needs.
2017-01-18 2:42 PM
A quick implementation does not appears to be quite easy. ...
In any case I'm very confused to find a chapter 32.6 Core debug in the
reference manual which are obviously not available:2017-01-18 8:24 PM
I don't know, it is not going too be unduly hard to check a few things...
printf('%08X %08X %08X\n', RCC->AHBENR, RCC->APB1ENR, RCC->APB2ENR);
if (RCC->APB2ENR & RCC_APB2Periph_DBGMCU) puts('DBGMCU Enabled');RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2Periph_DBGMCU; // Enable so with can readprintf('%08X %08X %08X\n', DBGMCU->CR, DBGMCU->APB1FZ, DBGMCU->APB2FZ);2017-12-13 10:42 AM
katzenberger.michael wrote:
Is this feature simply not available for a M0 device ???
The feature exists - but the register is not accessible to the user code running in the chip.