2017-12-13 6:24 AM
Hi Imen,
Hi Frederic,
In our company, we started using STMicrocontroller MCUs.
At the moment, I'm using the STM32H753I Discovery Board, and I dare to ask if it is possible to use the device from the USB OTG HS, with software developed within the microSD Card, as in default conditions of the Discovery Board comes from the factory -without removing R254 SB48 SB28 SB29.
The reason for my question is that when reading the document UM2199 - 'Evaluation board with STM32H753XI MCU' 'User Manual', I understand that it is necessary to make changes in other jumpers while in table 9 on page 20/69 reports another indication.
Thank you very much for your warm kindly answer.
Message was edited by: fernando maldonado
Message was edited by: fernando maldonado
##stm32h753i ##starting ##evaluationboard2017-12-13 7:42 AM
Hello ,
Welcome to STM32 community.
First, we don't have STM32H753I Discovery, as described in your title it is STM32H753I Eval.
About your question, I confirm that you can use USB OTG HS without removing R254 SB48 SB28 SB29, as there's no pin conflict between OTG HS and SD-card.
The table 9 (in page 20) describes the case where we need to use the USB HS in FS mode, and it is in conflict mainly with the USART1.
Hope this helps you.
Best Regards
2017-12-13 9:29 AM
Hi Imen,
I just edited the title of the subject, to keep an open thread referring to the STM32H753I Evaluation Board, to share doubts, suggestions, && tips and tricks of this last device -which is excellent.
I like the ST.com community a lot, as I've commented with other people before . I was amazed by Frederic Le Cam's ability to synthesize this ST Product in a presentation during October 2016, as well as your ability to answer quickly and in the simplest way.
Thank you very much for your kind and soon answer.
Greetings from Argentina!