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i used stm32cubeMX to generate code to support GPIO external interrupts.i expected to use HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback and it compiled but did not work.i had to use HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Falling_Callback and HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Rising_Callbacki used a Nucleo-U5a5ZJ boar...
i used stm32cubeMX 6.12.1and stm32cubeIDE 1.16.1then I told cube to select the Nucleo u5a5zJ boardi configured the clocks and turned on SPI1 and accepted the default pinsi configured the GPDMA to use channels 7 and 6 Next I generated code. i used the...
 i have a stm32u5a5 board but I needed a SPI full duplex Master example with DMA so i used the one for stm32u575.full duplex Master DMAit runs fine on my u5a5 board.i added a SPI 2 channel and i cannot get it to work.  i only want to run them one at ...
Used stm32cubemx 6.11.0 to extract the example Ux-device-CDC-ACM for nucleo board u5a5zj-qI ran generate codeI used stm32cubeide 1.16.1 to load the IOC and I was able to build and run the example and see it allocate the VCP port on windows 10Then I u...