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 Finally after a long struggle, I was able to get into the system memory by changing to CP2102 ttl wire. Now I have another problem. Any solution to fix this? The PCROP_PDP bit is unchecked also.
May I know where is the PH3/BOOT0 pin on the STM32L432KC board? I don't see any GPIO pin for that. It is connected to the F103 chip onboard but how do I use that?
I am trying to flash the memory of the STM32-L43KC (Nucleo-32) MCU with the UART Bootloader. I have connected the TX and RX pins of the board to FTDI USB-RS232 connecter. To boot from the system memory, I have also configured the option bytes accordi...
while (1){/* USER CODE END WHILE */if (HAL_UART_Receive(&huart2, data, 10, 100) == HAL_OK) { HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_3, 1);HAL_Delay(200);HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_3, 0);HAL_Delay(200);}/* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */} This is my code to ch...
This is regarding the UART1 and UART2. 1. I am trying to learn how UART works by communicating between STM32 and ESP32. I am able to send data from STM32 to ESP32 and it works. However, when I do the same from ESP32 to STM32, for some reason I cannot...